What’s new on EnglishCentral for 2018
What’s new on EnglishCentral for 2018
EnglishCentral is showcasing 3 new products and services for the 2018 School Year:
- Custom Course Creation. We have worked with a number of universities to build custom web and mobile courses to map to their school’s existing curriculum. This means schools can adopt EnglishCentral for their current classes, without changing their textbook or other materials. Contact us for a Case Study by Prof. Michael Holsworth on how Kyoto Sangyo University implemented an EnglishCentral custom course with over 6,000 students in its general English program.
- Special Purpose Content. Many schools have asked us for career- specific, or English for Special Purposes (ESP), curriculum for their schools. In response, EnglishCentral has partnered with a number of leading publishers to bring the best ESP content to the EnglishCentral platform, including:
- New Vocabulary Courses. EnglishCentral has completed a major upgrade of its vocabulary learning platform, with new lists developed by Dr. Charles Browne, of Meiji Gakuin University. These new lists are based on a 2-billion-word corpus from Cambridge University and include lists developed specifically for core vocabulary, Academic Vocabulary, TOEIC Vocabulary and Spoken English Vocabulary. Learn More here.
The EnglishCentral Team