京都産業大学 - 先生の声
EnglishCentral を使用した先生の声
京都産業大学教員 Michael Holsworth
- Could you let us know the reasons why you chose to use EnglishCentral?
“The main reason that we chose EC was that is complemented our English Communication program by providing students with supplementary work that focused on speaking and listening development outside of the class.”
- How do you use EnglishCentral within your curriculum?
“In our department, we use EC to help focus on target vocabulary for students according to their language level. We use videos selected by EC that match the content of each level textbook, and use vocabulary builder and weekly vocabulary quizzes to focus on high-frequency vocabulary fluency development for lower-level students, and TOEIC-focused vocabulary for those students at other levels. By adding this TOEIC focus to these classes, we have added a link to the TOEIC part of our program, providing students a more cohesive program.”
- How does your students like EnglishCentral?
“Although there was some resistance at the start, student comments about EC have been positive. They see value in the speaking and listening practice, in particular when they how it impacts their communication and listening development.”
- Why and how would you recommend EnglishCentral to other teachers if they are considering to use it?
“From my point of view, if you are looking for an e-learning component to provide students with authentic listening and speaking practice with immediate feedback, then I would consider EC. The app is very stable, the customer service is outstanding, and the student use is very positive and usage is high. Overall, I am glad that we have implemented EC as a core-component of our general English program.”