Chiba University Case Study

    Chiba University Case Study

    150 150 Alan Schwartz

    As part of the Global Studies initiative in 2016, over 14,000 students at Chiba University, in over 10 departments, were given access to EnglishCentral.    EnglishCentral surveyed the students who used the system and the responses were extremely positive:

    • 71% of Students said they enjoyed studying on EnglishCentral.
    • 92% of Students said they would continue studying on EnglishCentral after the program ended.
    • 76% of Students said the product was easy to use.
    • 93% of Students said they would recommend to other Students.

    The service was particularly helpful in getting students to speak outside of class. Engaged students speaking an average of 30 minutes per week outside of class and getting feedback on their speaking pronunciation and fluency.   Students particularly enjoyed the game dynamic built into the Speaking Features on EnglishCentral, which lets students speak and get instant feedback on their pronunciation and fluency and then try to improve their score.

    Check out the features of EnglishCentral here.

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