Nuevos Cursos de Inglés de Carrera de Express Publishing

150 150 Alan Schwartz

Nuevos Cursos de Inglés de Carrera de Express Publishing

Basándose en la trayectoria profesional de la serie líder en la industria, de Express Publishing, estos cursos de propósito especial están diseñados para profesionales y estudiantes en escuelas y colegios vocacionales para ayudarles a desarrollar las destrezas lingüísticas que necesitan para triunfar en una situación laboral profesional. Cada curso contiene:

Vídeos. Vídeo interactivo con subtítulos bilingües, con definiciones de contenido en el clic
Entrenamiento de vocabulario. Los estudiantes aprenden vocabulario en contexto al rellenar las actividades en blanco y cuestionarios de vocabulario.

Práctica oral. Los estudiantes practican hablando, obteniendo retroalimentación instantánea sobre su pronunciación con el sistema de evaluación IntelliSpeech de EnglishCentral.

¡EnVivo! Los estudiantes pueden tomar 1-1 lecciones con un tutor. Cada lección de video en el curso viene con un plan de lecciones (ver muestra) y con una transcripción, vocabulario, discusión y preguntas de comprensión.
Las industrias cubiertas por estos nuevos cursos de Inglés de Carrera en EnglishCentral incluyen:

World Wide Sports
This course is a resource for sport-event support staff who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that comprise of work conversations, emails, news and articles related to the Olympics.
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Information Technology
This course is a resource for information technology professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that comprise of work conversations, emails, news and articles related to computers and IT.

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Software Engineering
This course is a resource for software engineering professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that addresses topics including software development, software testing, the user interface, modeling and career options.
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This course is a resource for engineering professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that comprise of tools, engineering concepts, conversions and career options.
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Call Center
This course is a resource for call center professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that comprise of work conversations, emails, news and articles related to call centers and customer care.

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Computer Engineering
This course is a resource for computer engineering professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that addresses topics including numbers, computer accessories, hardware, software and operating systems.
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This course is a resource for navy professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that comprise of work conversations, emails, news and articles related to navigation and marines.
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Military Command and Control
This course is a resource for people who are and wish to become military professionals. It contains entertaining and educational videos that address topics related to the armed forces.
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Merchant Navy
This course is a resource for merchant navy professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that comprise of work conversations, emails, news and articles related to navigation and marines.
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This course is a resource for air force professionals who want to improve their English in a work environment. It contains entertaining and educational videos that comprise of work conversations, emails, news and articles related to aviation and air armies.
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